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Aloha & Welcome

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, Ewa Beach, Hawaii

Parish Mission Statement

"Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Parish is a faith-filled community for all cultures and ages dedicated to building the Kingdom of God. We come closer to God by following Jesus Christ through His Word and the Sacraments. Through the Holy Spirit and with the intercession of our Blessed Mother, we provide a sense of belonging to all God's people through prayer, service and the sharing of our gifts for the praise and glory of God."

Clergy Corner

Question of the Week:

Looking at my Lenten journey as an exodus from sin and worldly values, what specifically is  holding me captive and preventing a truly new life in the risen Lord?

     In the person of Jesus, God becomes vulnerable, ultimately sacrificing his life on the cross

for our sins. But God also became vulnerable many centuries before, in the presence of Abram. The ritual we hear described in the first reading, featuring two parties walking between the carcasses of animals that were sacrificed, split in half, and placed opposite each other, was often used in ancient cultures from this era to ratify a significant covenant. The tradition symbolized the seriousness of the covenant: if one party broke their promise, they

would meet the same fate as these animals. Note that though Abram constructs the passage, he does not walk through it. Only God passes through it. Only God is bound by the covenant. Only by God’s grace can Abram and his descendants keep the covenant.

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Mass Schedule

Saturday Masses*: 7am and

5 pm (Vigil)

Sunday Masses*

7 am, 9 am, 11 am, and 5 pm


Weekday Masses*

Monday - Friday:  8:15 am


*Holy Rosary is recited 30 minutes before each mass

Adoration with Benediction:

Every first Friday of each month.  Exposition & Adoration at 7 am, Holy Rosary at 8 am followed by Mass.


Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession)

Saturday 4 - 4:30 pm & Other times (By appointment only)


TRAFFIC FLOW:  Flow will remain the same for this weekend. Click Get More Details below to see the current Traffic Flow Map.

Please click on the Donate Now link in the left margin to make your contribution.  You can also make your contribution via credit card inside the front doors of the church next to the Blessed Sacrament Chapel.  After you swipe your card, please print two receipts - one for your records and one for either the basket for the regular offering, the hard hat for the building fund, or the tool bag for the Mahele Na Makana repair & maintenance fund.  Mahalo!

PARKING ALERT: On Sundays only - The middle parking lot area will be reserved for those with handicap parking please display your placard and a parking attendant will assist you with a parking stall. Thank you!

FOOD PANTRY : Please bring Canned Mixed Vegetables next weekend.  Thank you.

ALL FRIDAYS OF LENT: Mass at 6PM with Stations of the Cross to follow.  No Friday morning Mass during Lent.


March 6, St. Joseph, Waipahu, 6:30PM

March 11, St. Jude, Kapolei, 7PM

March 13, Sacred Heart, Waianae, 7PM

March 18, St. Rita, Nanakuli, 7PM

April 3, Immaculate Conception Church, Ewa, 7PM

April 8, OLPH, 7PM

INTO THE BREACH, MARCH 18, 6:30PM:  All are welcome to watch a 12-episode video series.  Each episode focuses on a different aspect of authentic Catholic masculinity and features interviews with well-known Catholic commentators and follows the personal story of a man whose life illuminates each theme. Light refreshments will be served.

FISH FRY FRIDAYS:  Beginning Friday, March 21 and continuing each Friday during Lent, the Knights of Columbus will be selling fish plates for $15.  Plates consist of mahi mahi, vegetables, and steamed rice.  Proceeds will go to KofC programs supporting OLPH and the community.

OLPH LIFE TEEN SPRING RETREAT:  April 25-27.  Retreat forms are now available at the entrance of the church or the parish office. We are looking for sponsors to help defray the cost of the retreat or to sponsor a student. If you’re able to help, please stop by the parish office. Thank you!

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OLPH Ministries

"Faith in action is love, and love in action is service"
- St. Teresa of Calcutta

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We’d love to hear from you.  Call us at (808) 689-8681 or send us a message using the form below and we’ll get back to you.

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