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Religious Education

Upcoming Events

12/28: Preparation for Infant Baptism at 9 am

1/4: Infant Baptism at 1 pm

1/12: Religious Education classes resume

1/25: Eucharist Retreat from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm

2/1: Eucharist Retreat from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm

3/29: Confirmation Retreat from 9 am to noon

Infant Baptism

Children under seven years of age are baptized under the Rite of Infant Baptism. We celebrate the Rite of Baptism every month except in Advent and Lenten Seasons.

Mandatory Preparation classes for parents and godparents are held one week prior to the Baptism date.

The process includes completion and submission of the application, interview with Fr. Kurt prior to preparation class, preparation class, baptism itself, and welcoming the newly baptized at the weekend Mass.

Please call the parish office at 808-689-8681 Ext. 107 for any questions or application forms.


Sunday classes from 1:00pm to 2:15pm in the church.

If you're interested in signing up for religious education or becoming a catechist, please contact Julia Torres at (808) 689-8681 x 107

Order/Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults

If you or your child is 7 years or older and need all three sacraments of initiation, are a baptized adult, but need Confirmation and First Holy Communion, or are a person with a valid baptism from a non-Catholic Christian Church seeking full communion with the Roman Catholic church, the OCIA program is for you.

For more information, contact Julia Torres at (808) 689-8681 x 107

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