Question of the Week:
What beam in my eye will I remove this Lent? What fruit will I produce during Lent?
In other words, what two concrete things will I do to see more clearly and to contribute to Jesus’ mission?
Today’s Gospel has a lot to say about our eyes and our brother’s (or sister’s). But there is another pair of eyes to think about today: God’s eyes. Over the last few weeks, we have heard Jesus teaching his disciples how to see the world through God’s eyes. He told his disciples that God does not see poor people as misfortunate, but as the inheritors of the kingdom. Those who are hungry, grieving, or maligned will end up joyful. God foresees what we cannot. God calls us to love our enemies because God does not see enemies but fellow children of God. God sees us stumbling from the wooden beam in our eye and wants us to be healthy and whole. Let us pray for the grace to see our lives from God’s eyes. How much differently will we see?
Saint Paul leaves the Corinthians a farewell message: “Be . . . fully devoted to the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain” (1 Corinthians 15:58). This ties in so well with Jesus’ call to his disciples, here and elsewhere, to bear good fruit. We are called to put our faith into action, to make the world better, to give a glimpse of the kingdom through our actions. We are known by the fruit we produce. What fruit have we produced or are we producing?
Click here to access the daily readings from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
"Effective Easter Sunday, April 4 (or as of the Easter Vigil, April 3), I am ending the dispensation from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass, which has been in effect since mid-March 2020. However, anyone who is sick, may have been exposed to anyone with COVID-19, or who has a health condition that would endanger themselves or others by being present in church, continues to be dispensed."
-Bishop Larry Silva
Please click on the link below to read the Bishop's Memorandum in its entirety.
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