The Respect Life Office seeks to transform society into a Culture of Life where every human being is valued and protected from the moment of fertilization until natural death. Human life must be respected because it is sacred. From its beginning human life involves the creative action of God and it remains forever in a special relationship with the Creator, who is its sole end.
OLPH Respect Life Coordinator
Sharing upcoming events from the Diocese Respect Life office for your consideration. Flyers also attached.
WHAT: Human Trafficking Awareness & Safety
WHEN: Tues., 10/3/23, 7-8p.m.
WHERE: Holy Trinity Church (limited parking - carpooling suggested)
HOW: No RSVP necessary. Questions contact:
WHAT: Preparing your Catholic Advance Health Care Directive
WHEN: Sat., 10/7/23, 10:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
WHERE: Resurrection of the Lord Catholic Church
HOW: RSVP to Rosemary Kam-Pabingwit, 808-282-4449 by 9/29/23 (extended!)
WHAT: March For Life Visual Art Contest
WHEN: Entries accepted now thru 10/31/23
WHO: Pre-K/K through 12th Grade. (Cash prizes awarded to the top 3 winners by grade level)
HOW: See attached flyer for more info or visit
WHAT: Rachel's Vineyard Weekend Retreats
WHEN: Oct 13-15, 2023
WHO: Singles, couples & family members who seek healing and peace from a past abortion
HOW: Register by calling Lisa 808-490-4702 or email