Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish is located in Ewa Beach on the Leeward side of the island of Oahu. Leeward Oahu is where more and more homeowners have been attracted to reside with the boom of new housing projects as well as the establishment of new shopping centers in the area and the opening of the new Skyline Rail System.
Prior to the COVID-19 shutdown, Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish was blessed with 5 successful Annual Golf Tournaments. After a 5-year hiatus, Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish Golf Tournament Committee kindly requests again your participation in our 7th Annual OLPH Parish Golf Tournament 2025. The proceeds from this tournament, like in the past, will help us raise funds to build and furnish a new church to accommodate our growing community. The existing church will be upgraded to support the church youth groups, social events and hopefully some sporting events. Your support is very much appreciated.
A monetary donation, team sponsorship, tee box sponsorship with your company's name and logo, or any donation for prizes will help make this event successful. We are a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization. Your donation is tax exempt to the extent allowed by law. Please send your donations to Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish. Please note “Golf Tournament” on the memo portion of your check. May God, through the intercession of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, continue to bless all of us to make our parish vision a reality! God bless you!
Reverend Edmundo N. Barut
Click below for the 2025 Golf Tournament Letter
If you have any questions, send us a message through the Contact Us form below.
Want to participate in the golf tournament? Access the registration packet below!
Stay tuned for important updates for the tournament.
Unable to play, but still want to help out? We are still accepting donations.
If you would like to donate items for this event, please take your donations to our golf registration table after every weekend mass or to the parish office.
Your donations are greatly appreciated!
Donation List
Hot Dogs & Buns
Case of Water/Juice/Soda
Case of Gatorade/Powerade
Energy Bars
Gift Cards
Monetary Donation
Sun Screen
Door Prizes
Golf Tournament 2025 Location: Hoakalei Country Club
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